Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

coordinate conjunctions_AYU BRILIANA_1EA20_1121278

F = for
A = and
N = nor
B = but
O = or
Y = yet
S = so
Y = yet
A = and
F = for
N = nor
O = or
B = but
S = so
F = for
O = or
N = nor
Y = yet
B = but
A = and
S = so

Konjungsi koordinasi bergabung kata-kata serupa, frase atau klausa satu sama lain (misalnya, untuk bergabung kata sifat untuk kata sifat atau kata benda untuk kata benda). Yang paling umum konjungsi koordinasi adalah: and, but, or, for, nor, so and yet.

Kata sambung  and, but and or yang paling umum sejauh ini.

·         The waiters served sandwiches and cakes. (joins two nouns)
·         He is a small but aggressive dog. (joins two adjectives)
·         The manager or his secretary will be with you in a moment. (joins two nouns)
·         He typed the letter quickly but accurately. (joins two adverbs)

In the examples above, the conjunctions all join words.  As a general rule, when a conjunction joins two words, there is no need to precede it with a
comma.  However, when it joins two clauses, it is usual to place a comma before the conjunction.

·         The applicant must be able to sing and dance. (no comma)
·         The applicant must be able to sing, and she must be able to dance. (joins two clauses - comma required)
Interactive example:   
- Naura and I slept, but Bella stayed awake the whole way.

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